Our website shows current availability for all activities. On the website, select the number of guests and date, then click "Check availability". On mobile, tap "Book now" to select guests and a date. Dates in black are available, and dates in grey with a line through them indicate the activity is fully booked, not taking place, or not yet open for booking.
To receive accurate availability information, you must enter the exact number of people you wish to book for, as availability may change depending on the number of guests.
Pricing varies based on age groups (e.g., child, student, adult, senior) and the activity date or option chosen. The "From" price indicates the best available price for an activity.
For some activities, specific age groups might be free of charge or require a separate ticket. More information is available when selecting the number of participants or in the "Additional information" section on the activity page.
Check the "Highlights" section on the activity page to see what's included. Exclusions are listed in the "Additional information" section.
The itinerary and stops are described in the "Description" section on the activity page.
Requirements and restrictions are listed in the "Description" and "Additional information" sections. Contact the activity provider if you need more details.
Private activities are labelled as "Private tour" or "Private group". This information is also mentioned in the "Description" section of the activity page.
You'll receive a Coco-Moola branded PDF voucher via email once your booking is confirmed. The voucher includes your booking details, pickup or meeting point location, validity period, what to bring, and the cancellation policy.
Check your spam folder for an email from hello@cocomoola.com or access your voucher via your bookings page. If you still can't find it, contact us via the contact form or phone/chat for urgent requests.
Before purchase: The meeting point information is in the "Meeting point" section on the activity page.
After purchase: The meeting point information is on your voucher.
Check your voucher for meeting point information or contact the activity provider directly. If you cannot reach them, contact us via phone or chat.
Check the "Description" section on the activity page. Additional information may be in the "Additional information" section.
Group size information is available in the "Description" section on the activity page or when choosing a product option.
The pet policy is listed in the "Additional information" section on the activity page. Contact the activity provider if you need further details.
Contact the activity provider directly using the contact details on your voucher.
Coco-Moola is an online marketplace for booking tours, attractions, excursions, and more. We partner with selected activity providers worldwide. Book your activity online and receive your voucher via email.
We'll confirm your cancellation via email. Check your spam folder if you don't see it, or check your booking status on the Bookings page in your Coco-Moola account.
Unsubscribe by clicking the 'Unsubscribe' link in the email or updating your account settings:
1. Go to your account settings.
2. Select “Notifications”.
3. Toggle the “Email” sliders to “Off” for “Reviews”, “Recommendations”, and “Travel tips and offers”.
4. Select “Save”.